Competitions of the Russian Academy of Sciences for gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists in 2022
Competitions of the Russian Academy of Sciences for gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists in 2022

Gold medals (awarded to Russian scientists)
Gold Medal named after G.F. Morozov – for outstanding work in the field of forestry, forestry, agroforestry. The deadline for submission of works is October 19, 2021.
Gold Medal named after V.M. Bekhterev – for outstanding work in the field of psychophysiology. The deadline for submission of works is November 1, 2021.
Gold Medal named after A.N. Kostyakov – for outstanding work in the field of hydraulic reclamation. The deadline for submission of works is December 28, 2021.
Leonardo Euler Gold Medal - for outstanding results in mathematics and physics. The deadline for submission of works is January 4, 2022.
Gold Medal named after K.K. Giedroyc - for outstanding work in the field of soil science and agrochemistry. The deadline for submission of works is January 6, 2022.
N.N. Blokhin Gold Medal - for outstanding work in the field of oncology. The deadline for submission of works is February 4, 2022.
P.L. Chebyshev Gold Medal - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics. The deadline for submission of works is February 16, 2022.
Gold Medal named after I.V. Davydovsky – for outstanding work in the field of general pathology. The deadline for submission of works is May 1, 2022.
S.P. Botkin Gold Medal - for outstanding work in the field of internal diseases. The deadline for submission of works is June 17, 2022.
Primakov Gold Medal - for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of world economy and international relations. The deadline for submission of works is July 29, 2022.
Gold Medal named after F.F. Erisman – for outstanding work in the field of hygiene. The deadline for submission of works is August 24, 2022.
Gold Medal named after N.I. Vavilov – for outstanding work in the field of genetics, breeding and crop production. The deadline for submission of works is August 26, 2022.
Prizes (awarded to domestic scientists)
The A.A. Baev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of genomics and genoinformatics. The deadline for submission of works is October 10, 2021.
The I.G. Petrovsky Prize - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics. The deadline for submission of works is October 18, 2021.
V.G. Khlopin Award - for outstanding work in the field of radiochemistry. The deadline for submission of works is October 26, 2021.
The F.P. Savarensky Prize - for outstanding work in the field of land water research. The deadline for submission of works is November 23, 2021.
L.A. Artsimovich Prize - for outstanding work in experimental physics. The deadline for submission of works is November 25, 2021.
The N.V. Melnikov Prize is for outstanding scientific work in the field of problems of integrated development of mineral resources. The deadline for submission of works is November 28, 2021.
N.D. Kondratiev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of general economic theory. The deadline for submission of works is December 4, 2021.
B.N. Petrov Award - for outstanding work in the field of theory and automatic control systems. The deadline for submission of works is December 11, 2021.
D.S. Rozhdestvensky Award - for outstanding work in the field of optics. The deadline for submission of works is January 7, 2022.
I.I. Schmalhausen Prize - for outstanding work on the problems of evolutionary biology. The deadline for submission of works is January 23, 2022.
K.A. Timiryazev Award - for outstanding work in the field of plant physiology. The deadline for submission of works is March 3, 2022.
A.M. Lyapunov Prize - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics and mechanics. The deadline for submission of works is March 6, 2022.
The Pushkin Prize is for outstanding works in the field of Russian language and literature. The deadline for submission of works is March 6, 2022.
V.N. Sukachev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of ecology. The deadline for submission of works is March 7, 2022.
L.A. Orbeli Award - for outstanding work in the field of evolutionary physiology. The deadline for submission of works is April 7, 2022.
Lebedev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of chemistry and technology of synthetic rubber and other synthetic polymers. The deadline for submission of works is April 25, 2022.
M.M. Shemyakin Award - for outstanding work in the field of bioorganic chemistry. The deadline for submission of works is April 26, 2022.
A.N. Krylov Award - for outstanding work on the use of computer technology in solving problems of mechanics and mathematical physics. The deadline for submission of works is May 15, 2022.
F.F. Martens Award - for outstanding scientific work in the field of international law and international relations. The deadline for submission of works is May 15, 2022.
The M.M. Kovalevsky Prize is for outstanding scientific work in the field of sociology. The deadline for submission of works is May 27, 2022.
The A.N. Belozersky Prize - for outstanding work in molecular biology. The deadline for submission of works is May 29, 2022.
D.S. Korzhinsky Prize - for outstanding scientific work in the field of physico-chemical petrology and mineralogy. The deadline for submission of works is June 13, 2022.
The I.M. Vinogradov Prize - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics. The deadline for submission of works is June 14, 2022.
Gubkin Prize - for outstanding scientific work in the field of oil and gas geology. The deadline for submission of works is June 21, 2022.
The O.Y. Schmidt Prize is for outstanding scientific work in the field of research and development of the Arctic. The deadline for submission of works is June 30, 2022.
P.A. Rebinder Award - for outstanding work in the field of colloidal chemistry and chemistry of surface phenomena. The deadline for submission of works is July 3, 2022.
A.E. Fersman Prize - for outstanding scientific work on mineralogy and geochemistry. The deadline for submission of works is August 8, 2022.
I.P. Bardin Award - for outstanding work in the field of metallurgy. The deadline for submission of works is August 13, 2022.
F.A. Bredikhin Award - for outstanding work in the field of astronomy. The deadline for submission of works is September 8, 2022.
A.A. Balandin Award - for outstanding work in the field of catalysis. The deadline for submission of works is September 20, 2022.
V.A. Fock Award - for outstanding work in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics. The deadline for submission of works is September 22, 2022.
General provisions
In order to reward scientists for scientific works, scientific discoveries and inventions that are important for science and practice, the Russian Academy of Sciences awards gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists.
Gold medals are awarded for outstanding scientific works, discoveries and inventions, or for a set of works of great scientific and practical significance.
Only individuals can participate in competitions for gold medals individually.
The prizes are awarded for individual outstanding scientific works, discoveries, inventions, as well as for a series of scientific works on a single topic.
Works or series of works on a single subject, usually by individual authors, can be submitted for prizes. When presenting works, only the leading authors are nominated, and no more than three people.
The right to nominate candidates for gold medals and awards is granted:
to academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
scientific institutions, higher educational institutions;
scientific and engineering societies;
scientific councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other departments on the most important problems of science;
scientific and technical councils of state committees, ministries, departments; technical councils of industrial enterprises; design bureaus.
Organizations or individuals who have nominated a candidate for a gold medal or award are required to submit to the Russian Academy of Sciences (119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 14, building 2, Expedition) with the inscription: "For the gold medal (award) named after ...":
a) a motivated presentation, including the scientific characteristics of the work, its significance for the development of science and the national economy;
b) when nominating works for the prize - a published scientific work (series of works), materials of a scientific discovery or invention - in triplicate (when nominating closed works, it is allowed to submit handwritten materials in one copy);
Note: When nominating a candidate for a gold medal, it is not necessary to submit published scientific papers (series of papers), materials of a scientific discovery or invention.
c) information about the author (list of main scientific works, discoveries, inventions, place of work and position, home address, office, home and mobile phone numbers, e-mail);
d) a certificate stating that the work submitted for the competition has not previously been awarded a State prize, as well as nominal state prizes.
Works awarded the State Prize, as well as nominal state prizes, are not accepted for gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists.
Scientists who have been awarded gold medals or prizes are granted the right to mark in the title "Awarded a gold medal (prize)" when printing works... The Russian Academy of Sciences for ... a year."
Decisions of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on awarding gold medals and prizes, as well as brief annotations on works awarded gold medals or prizes, are published in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the corresponding series and in the newspaper Search. The Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences contains portraits of scientists who have been awarded gold medals and prizes.
Printed scientific works for which gold medals or prizes have been awarded are transferred to the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences for safekeeping.
Gold medals, as well as diplomas of awarding gold medals, are awarded to the persons awarded them at the annual general meeting of RAS members. Diplomas on awarding prizes are awarded to the persons awarded them at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Information by phone: (499) 237-99-33
Gold Medal named after G.F. Morozov – for outstanding work in the field of forestry, forestry, agroforestry. The deadline for submission of works is October 19, 2021.
Gold Medal named after V.M. Bekhterev – for outstanding work in the field of psychophysiology. The deadline for submission of works is November 1, 2021.
Gold Medal named after A.N. Kostyakov – for outstanding work in the field of hydraulic reclamation. The deadline for submission of works is December 28, 2021.
Leonardo Euler Gold Medal - for outstanding results in mathematics and physics. The deadline for submission of works is January 4, 2022.
Gold Medal named after K.K. Giedroyc - for outstanding work in the field of soil science and agrochemistry. The deadline for submission of works is January 6, 2022.
N.N. Blokhin Gold Medal - for outstanding work in the field of oncology. The deadline for submission of works is February 4, 2022.
P.L. Chebyshev Gold Medal - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics. The deadline for submission of works is February 16, 2022.
Gold Medal named after I.V. Davydovsky – for outstanding work in the field of general pathology. The deadline for submission of works is May 1, 2022.
S.P. Botkin Gold Medal - for outstanding work in the field of internal diseases. The deadline for submission of works is June 17, 2022.
Primakov Gold Medal - for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of world economy and international relations. The deadline for submission of works is July 29, 2022.
Gold Medal named after F.F. Erisman – for outstanding work in the field of hygiene. The deadline for submission of works is August 24, 2022.
Gold Medal named after N.I. Vavilov – for outstanding work in the field of genetics, breeding and crop production. The deadline for submission of works is August 26, 2022.
Prizes (awarded to domestic scientists)
The A.A. Baev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of genomics and genoinformatics. The deadline for submission of works is October 10, 2021.
The I.G. Petrovsky Prize - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics. The deadline for submission of works is October 18, 2021.
V.G. Khlopin Award - for outstanding work in the field of radiochemistry. The deadline for submission of works is October 26, 2021.
The F.P. Savarensky Prize - for outstanding work in the field of land water research. The deadline for submission of works is November 23, 2021.
L.A. Artsimovich Prize - for outstanding work in experimental physics. The deadline for submission of works is November 25, 2021.
The N.V. Melnikov Prize is for outstanding scientific work in the field of problems of integrated development of mineral resources. The deadline for submission of works is November 28, 2021.
N.D. Kondratiev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of general economic theory. The deadline for submission of works is December 4, 2021.
B.N. Petrov Award - for outstanding work in the field of theory and automatic control systems. The deadline for submission of works is December 11, 2021.
D.S. Rozhdestvensky Award - for outstanding work in the field of optics. The deadline for submission of works is January 7, 2022.
I.I. Schmalhausen Prize - for outstanding work on the problems of evolutionary biology. The deadline for submission of works is January 23, 2022.
K.A. Timiryazev Award - for outstanding work in the field of plant physiology. The deadline for submission of works is March 3, 2022.
A.M. Lyapunov Prize - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics and mechanics. The deadline for submission of works is March 6, 2022.
The Pushkin Prize is for outstanding works in the field of Russian language and literature. The deadline for submission of works is March 6, 2022.
V.N. Sukachev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of ecology. The deadline for submission of works is March 7, 2022.
L.A. Orbeli Award - for outstanding work in the field of evolutionary physiology. The deadline for submission of works is April 7, 2022.
Lebedev Prize - for outstanding work in the field of chemistry and technology of synthetic rubber and other synthetic polymers. The deadline for submission of works is April 25, 2022.
M.M. Shemyakin Award - for outstanding work in the field of bioorganic chemistry. The deadline for submission of works is April 26, 2022.
A.N. Krylov Award - for outstanding work on the use of computer technology in solving problems of mechanics and mathematical physics. The deadline for submission of works is May 15, 2022.
F.F. Martens Award - for outstanding scientific work in the field of international law and international relations. The deadline for submission of works is May 15, 2022.
The M.M. Kovalevsky Prize is for outstanding scientific work in the field of sociology. The deadline for submission of works is May 27, 2022.
The A.N. Belozersky Prize - for outstanding work in molecular biology. The deadline for submission of works is May 29, 2022.
D.S. Korzhinsky Prize - for outstanding scientific work in the field of physico-chemical petrology and mineralogy. The deadline for submission of works is June 13, 2022.
The I.M. Vinogradov Prize - for outstanding results in the field of mathematics. The deadline for submission of works is June 14, 2022.
Gubkin Prize - for outstanding scientific work in the field of oil and gas geology. The deadline for submission of works is June 21, 2022.
The O.Y. Schmidt Prize is for outstanding scientific work in the field of research and development of the Arctic. The deadline for submission of works is June 30, 2022.
P.A. Rebinder Award - for outstanding work in the field of colloidal chemistry and chemistry of surface phenomena. The deadline for submission of works is July 3, 2022.
A.E. Fersman Prize - for outstanding scientific work on mineralogy and geochemistry. The deadline for submission of works is August 8, 2022.
I.P. Bardin Award - for outstanding work in the field of metallurgy. The deadline for submission of works is August 13, 2022.
F.A. Bredikhin Award - for outstanding work in the field of astronomy. The deadline for submission of works is September 8, 2022.
A.A. Balandin Award - for outstanding work in the field of catalysis. The deadline for submission of works is September 20, 2022.
V.A. Fock Award - for outstanding work in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics. The deadline for submission of works is September 22, 2022.
General provisions
In order to reward scientists for scientific works, scientific discoveries and inventions that are important for science and practice, the Russian Academy of Sciences awards gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists.
Gold medals are awarded for outstanding scientific works, discoveries and inventions, or for a set of works of great scientific and practical significance.
Only individuals can participate in competitions for gold medals individually.
The prizes are awarded for individual outstanding scientific works, discoveries, inventions, as well as for a series of scientific works on a single topic.
Works or series of works on a single subject, usually by individual authors, can be submitted for prizes. When presenting works, only the leading authors are nominated, and no more than three people.
The right to nominate candidates for gold medals and awards is granted:
to academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
scientific institutions, higher educational institutions;
scientific and engineering societies;
scientific councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other departments on the most important problems of science;
scientific and technical councils of state committees, ministries, departments; technical councils of industrial enterprises; design bureaus.
Organizations or individuals who have nominated a candidate for a gold medal or award are required to submit to the Russian Academy of Sciences (119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 14, building 2, Expedition) with the inscription: "For the gold medal (award) named after ...":
a) a motivated presentation, including the scientific characteristics of the work, its significance for the development of science and the national economy;
b) when nominating works for the prize - a published scientific work (series of works), materials of a scientific discovery or invention - in triplicate (when nominating closed works, it is allowed to submit handwritten materials in one copy);
Note: When nominating a candidate for a gold medal, it is not necessary to submit published scientific papers (series of papers), materials of a scientific discovery or invention.
c) information about the author (list of main scientific works, discoveries, inventions, place of work and position, home address, office, home and mobile phone numbers, e-mail);
d) a certificate stating that the work submitted for the competition has not previously been awarded a State prize, as well as nominal state prizes.
Works awarded the State Prize, as well as nominal state prizes, are not accepted for gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists.
Scientists who have been awarded gold medals or prizes are granted the right to mark in the title "Awarded a gold medal (prize)" when printing works... The Russian Academy of Sciences for ... a year."
Decisions of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on awarding gold medals and prizes, as well as brief annotations on works awarded gold medals or prizes, are published in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the corresponding series and in the newspaper Search. The Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences contains portraits of scientists who have been awarded gold medals and prizes.
Printed scientific works for which gold medals or prizes have been awarded are transferred to the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences for safekeeping.
Gold medals, as well as diplomas of awarding gold medals, are awarded to the persons awarded them at the annual general meeting of RAS members. Diplomas on awarding prizes are awarded to the persons awarded them at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Information by phone: (499) 237-99-33